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Tears For Fears - Laid so low (Tears roll down)

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Laid so low (Tears roll down)

Année : 1992

Auteurs compositeurs : Roland Orzabal - Dave Bascombe

Durée : 4 m 45 s

Label : Fontana Records / Phonogram

Référence : 866 565 2

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Chewed the bone down too low
Got fed on tea and sympathy
Blew the sail like the wind

I wish you were my enemy
I was humble for you
What a fool I've been to have
Laid so low for so long

Into that void of silence
Where we cry without sound
Where tears roll down
Where tears roll down

And where your mother's violence
Sent your soul underground
Where tears roll down
Where tears roll down

Drew the blade way too slow
Was shackled by your honesty
Made a mess, I guess I have should have known

That life was lust and liberty
Not a chance mutation or the last temptation
Laid so low for so long, so low

Into that void of silence
Where we cry without sound
Where tears roll down
Where tears roll down

And where your mother's violence
Sent your soul underground
Where tears roll down
Where tears roll down
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vvfd Le 19/07/2023
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