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Stacy Lattisaw - Jump to the Beat

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Jump to the Beat

Année : 1980

Auteurs compositeurs : Narada Michael Walden - Lisa Walden

Durée : 3 m 36 s

Label : Atlantic - Cotillon

Référence : ATL 11.553

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Come on and jump to the beat (jump)
Come on and dance with me
Come on and jump to the beat (jump)
Come on and dance with me

Your life's a passing star
The price you paid was dear
You make the most of my life
Yet movements dance with fear
Your speciality's only nights
As you and pride compete
Neglect the pain in your heart
Come on and dance with me

Come on and jump to the beat (jump)
Come on and dance with me
Come on and jump to the beat (jump)
Come on and dance with me

Come on and jump to the beat (jump)
Come on and dance with me, won't you with me
Come on and jump to the beat (jump)
Come on and dance with me

You never dance alone
When love steps too near
Communicate with me
Your doubts will disappear
If this is love you're searching for
There's plenty love in me
Embrace the good things in life
Come on and dance with me

Come on and jump to the beat (jump)
Come on and dance with me
Come on and jump to the beat (jump)
Come on and dance with me

Come on and jump to the beat (jump)
Come on and dance with me
Come on and jump to the beat (jump)
Come on and dance with me

Won't you dance with me, say yeah

Go ahead…

Come on and jump to the beat (jump)
Come on and dance with me
Come on and jump to the beat (jump)

Transcripteur : Robin Fusée
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Voir tous les commentaires

2 commentaires
virgulio Le 29/10/2010
Titre repris par Danii MINOGUE au tout début des années 1990.
vvfd Le 24/06/2023
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