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Luv' - Tingalingaling

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Titre : Tingalingaling

Année : 1980

Auteurs compositeurs : Janschen and Janschens

Pochette : Claude Vanheye

Durée : 2 m 32 s

Label : Carrère

Référence : 49.815

Présentation : Extrait de leur album "Forever yours" sorti en 1980.

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In your house in your place
Oh open fires and wine (Li Li Ah Li Li Eh Li Li Oh)
Any minute you call
I'll be ready in time (Li Li Ah Li Li Eh Li Li Oh)


(So here we go)
Go tingalingaling
Can I come-a come on in
I'm your love tonight
Go tingalingaling
Can I come-a come on in
I'm your love tonight

Where the candlelight shines
Where the temperature's high (Li Li Ah Li Li Eh Li Li Oh)
I'll be your lover sometime
And you just wink your eye (Li Li Ah Li Li Eh Li Li Oh)


(So here we go)
Go tingalingaling
Can I come-a come on in
I'm your love tonight
Go tingalingaling
Can I come-a come on in
I'm your love tonight

Go tingalingaling
Can I come-a come on in
I'm your love tonight
Go tingalingaling
Can I come-a come on in
I'm your love tonight

Transcripteur : mds75
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1 commentaire
kijkeens Le 13/05/2007
ce sont des Barbies!! regardez les bras :o)

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