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Bananarama - Love in the first degree

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Love in the first degree

Année : 1987

Auteurs compositeurs : Sarah Dallin - Siobhan Fahey - Keren Woodward - Stock - Aitken - Waterman

Pochette : Peter Barrett

Durée : 3 m 24 s

Label : London Records / Polygram

Référence : 840 621-2

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Last night I was dreaming
I was locked in a prison cell
When I woke up I was screaming
Calling out your name

Whoa and the judge and the jury
They all put the blame on me
They wouldn't go for my story
They wouldn't hear my plea

Only you can set me free
'Cos I'm guilty
Guilty as a girl can be
Come on baby can't you see
I stand accused of love in the first degree
Of love in the first degree

Someday I believe it
You will come to my rescue
Unchain my heart you're keeping
And let me start anew, ooh
The hours pass so slowly
Since they've thrown away the key
Can't you see that I'm lonely
Won't you help me please

Only you can set me free
'Cos I'm guilty
Guilty as a girl can be
Come on baby can't you see
I stand accused of love in the first degree
Of love in the first degree

Guilty of love, guilty of love in
Guilty of love, guilty of love in
Of love in the first degree

Whoa and the judge and the jury
They all put the blame on me
They wouldn't go for my story
They wouldn't hear my plea

Only you can set me free
'Cos I'm guilty
Guilty as a girl can be
Come on baby can't you see
I stand accused of love in the first degree
Of love in the first degree

Only you can set me free
'Cos I'm guilty
Guilty as a girl can be
Come on baby can't you see
I stand accused of love in the first degree
Of love in the first degree

Only you can set me free
'Cos I'm guilty
Guilty as a girl can be
Come on baby can't you see
I stand accused of love in the first degree
Of love in the first degree
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.


Voir tous les commentaires

3 commentaires
Petitcurieux Le 03/02/2007
Extrait de la compilation "Dance Decade" sortie en 1989. La pochette du 45 tours au format 600x600 est la bienvenue ;o)
dadakofa Le 04/02/2007
L'une des meilleures chansons de Bananarama, dans le pur style SAW qui nous a tant fait danser à la fin des années 80…
kijkeens Le 04/02/2007
je suis d'accord, un des meilleurs titres du groupe avec "i want you back" et "moving on"

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