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The Osmonds - I can't stop

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Titre : I can't stop

Année : 1974

Auteurs compositeurs : J. Goldstein - W. Farrell

Durée : 2 m 57 s

Label : MCA Records

Référence : 110.058

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If I tumble, if I fall
I bounce back like a rubber ball
Turn me off and I'll turn back on
I just won't quit till I'm in your arms…

I can't stop (Stop)
You're the one I'm gonna love
I can't stop (Stop)
You're the one I'm dreaming of
So run around
I got lot's of time
When you're ready
You're gonna be mine
(When you're ready, you're gonna be mine)

Play with me and you play with fire
You can't blow it out
'Cos the flame grows higher
You don't have to worry
You won't get burnt
'Cos sooner or later
You're gonna learn…

I can't stop (Stop)
You're the one I'm gonna love
I can't stop (Stop)
You're the one I'm dreaming of
So run around
I got lot's of time
When you're ready
You're gonna be mine
(When you're ready, you're gonna be mine)

Babe, I'm gonna get to you
Yeah, I'm gonna see it through
Don't you know by now I wouldn't lie
I'd rather die

I can't stop (Stop)
You're the one I'm gonna love
I can't stop (Stop)
You're the one I'm dreaming of
So run around
I got lot's of time
When you're ready
You're gonna be mine
(When you're ready, you're gonna be mine)

Pa Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa Pa
Pa Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa Pa Pa
Pa Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa Pa
Pa Pa Pa Pa
Pa Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa Pa
Pa Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa Pa
Pa Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa Pa

I can't stop (Stop)
You're the one I'm gonna love
I can't stop (Stop)
You're the one I'm dreaming of
So run around
I got lot's of time
When you're ready
You're gonna be mine
(When you're ready, you're gonna be mine)
(Bis, ad lib.)

Transcripteur : mds75
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Voir tous les commentaires

6 commentaires
Lèz Le 14/02/2005
rien ne vaut le fameux "Crazy Horses" de 1972
Echo-Sierra Le 23/05/2005
Tout à fait LZP :-) "Crazy Horses" est un grand tube du début des 70's complètement tombé dans l'oubli
rednaxela Le 02/08/2005
ne pas oublier aussi "One way ticket for anywhere" su je ne me trompe pas
emmasoleil Le 23/08/2005
Et pour la plus belle, c'est "A time for us". Une merveille
assetlor Le 22/10/2010
non tu ne te trompe pas pour one way ticket…c'est bien de ce groupe en effet et effectivement a time for us est superbement interprétée c une chanson qui prend aux tripes.
Fillmorejive Le 11/05/2021
"Hold Her Tight" super titre également.

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