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Everyday I hear a different story
People saying that youre no good for me
Saw your lover with another and shes making a fool of you
If you loved me baby youd deny it
But you laugh and tell me I should try it
Tell me Im a baby and I dont understand
But you know that Ill forgive you
Just this once twice forever
Cause baby, you could drag me to hell and back
Just as long as were together
And you do
I dont want your freedom
I dont want to play around
I dont want nobody baby
Part time love just brings me down
I dont need your freedom
Girl, all I want right now is you
Like a prisoner who has his own key
But I cant escape until you love me
I just go from day to day knowing all about the other boys
You take my hand and tell me Im a fool to give you all that I do
I bet you someday baby someone says the same to you
But you know that Ill forgive you
Just this once twice forever
Cause baby, you could drag me to hell and back
Just as long as were together
And you do
I dont want your freedom
I dont want to play around
I dont want nobody baby
Part time love just brings me down
I dont want your freedom
Girl, all I want right now is you
But you know that Ill forgive you
Just this once twice forever
Cause baby, you could drag me to hell and back
Just as long as were together
And you do
I dont want your freedom
I dont need to play around
I dont want nobody baby
Part time love just brings me down
I dont want your freedom
I dont want to play around
I dont want nobody baby
Part time love just brings me down
I dont want your (Ad Libitum)
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Faut quand même reconnaitre que même si ça volait pas très haut c'était sacrément bien torché, comme morceau… J'ai honte mais je trouve ça beau, ça vieillit mieux qu'une chanson de - au hasard - Simple Minds, qu'on respectait beaucoup plus à l'époque…
Mon pauvre Jl.schoon, comparer Simple Minds avec ces garcons coiffeurs…C'est comme si tu comparais ma Maserati a ta Twingo…
100% d'accord avec jl.schoon. Certes, le texte fait un peu "Hélène et les garçons", mais la musique, les arrangements, et surtout la voix et les harmonies, c'est quand même le top. Ça n'a pas pris une ride, c'est propre, carré, ça groove, c'est inventif. J'adore. Garçons coiffeurs ou pas, peu importe.
J'adore aussi
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