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Gibson Brothers - Hey Ho (move your body)

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Hey Ho (move your body)

Année : 1984

Auteurs compositeurs : A.C.P. Gibson - Landeau / A.C.P. Gibson

Durée : 3 m 43 s

Label : Carrere - Clever

Référence : 13 554

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Five o'clock in the morning
Waking up on a cold back street
Lives too sad and is yearning
Shoeshine boy with no food to eat
Is was then to the
He ain't

I saw you in my sleep
I walked down dead end streets
I fly on eagle's wings
We're out in spaceland where angels sing

I believe you are the gang of all-night riders
I'm the guy whom all the ladies keep the eye
You are the queen of rock and roll town
And I dance with you

Move your body - hey ho
Come and do it hey ho
Baby I'll let you groove (groove groove…)
When I dance with you

Move your body - hey ho
Say you'll do it hey ho
All I want to do
Is dance with you

I toss and I turn
I'm lost, I freeze I burn
I run from pouring rain
Into the sunlight I'm saved again

I'm a star of radio and television
Musics playing in your audio in my arms hey ho !

Move your body - hey ho
Come and do it hey ho
Baby if it's allright (alright, alright…)
When I'm holding you

Move your body - hey ho
Say you'll do it hey ho
When I dance with you

Move your body - hey ho
Come and do it hey ho
When I'm holding you

Move your body - hey ho
Come and do it hey ho
Baby if it's allright (alright, alright…)
Please don't make me blue

Move your body - hey ho
Come and do it hey ho…

Transcripteur : hre mgbye
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Voir tous les commentaires

3 commentaires (dont 1 archivé)
Petitcurieux Le 07/01/2005
Mêmes sonorités et style que ce titre, bien que les auteurs et compositeurs soient différents. Manque d'imagination, peut-être ?
hre mgbye Le 25/05/2008
[Merci pour les paroles !]
Louve62 Le 13/11/2009
Bon sang…on dirait les tremolos de voix de mr John Halliday ….quand même bizarre !!!!

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