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Ben Gay and the Silly Savages - The ballad of Ben Gay

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Titre : The ballad of Ben Gay

Année : 1973

Auteurs compositeurs : Darrel Gulland, Edd McNeely

Durée : 2 m 28 s

Label : Elm

Référence : E-103-S

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Hi, I'm Ben Gay
I'd like to dedicate this number to Wayne and Bruce
And all my friends at the Chartreuse Moose
One, two, buckle your shoe!
OK boys, let's slap it from the bottom

[Verse 1]
Born to be a cowboy
That's what I tried to be
Wanted to be a cowboy
But they poked fun at me!
Dreamed of riding horses
Roping and herding cattle
Oh, how those brutes terrorized me
When they saw my velvet saddle
(Can I help it if my skin's delicate? Course not)

[Verse 2]
I tried to be a wrangler
Really and truly I tried
But after this experience
I'll stick to pony rides
You should've seen the way they looked
Their faces all turned pale
Each time I took my brush out
And ratted my horse's tail
(I though it looked just dahlin'!)

OK boys, play the bridge
Not that kind of bridge, you silly savages
You want Ben Gay all over you? Hihi

[Verse 3]
A cowboy's life is not for me
In fact, it was a curse
Wanna know why I gave up?
They took away my purse!
Now my wrangling days are over
But I can honestly say
Whoever heard of a cowboy
Named Hopalong Ben Gay
(I don't know why they took my purse
They have saddle bags, don't they?)

If you wanna be a wrangler
Take Ben's advice. Hang Loose!
Come see old Wayne and me
We'll be at the Chartreuse Moose
Fix you up, whatever
They laughed at me, when I ripped my pantyhose
Pulling them over my shirt
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