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Joe Dassin - Nobody knows you

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Titre : Nobody knows you

Année : 1979

Auteurs compositeurs : Huddie Ledbetter

Durée : 2 m 38 s

Label : Columbia

Référence : COL 481 149 2

Présentation : Reprise de la chanson de Blind Bobby Baker and His Guitar, "Nobody knows you when you're down and out".

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Once I lived the life of a millionaire
I spent all my money; now I didn't care
Took all my friends out for a good time
I bought them all whiskey, I bought them champagne and wine

Then I began to fall so low
Nobody with me and nowhere to go
If I have a-get my hands on a dollar again
I'll keep it baby, until he goes grands

Cause nobody knows you
When you're down and out
It's might a strange without a doubt
Nobody knows you
When you're down and out
Nobody knows you
When you're down and out
When you're down and out

Oh nobody knows you
When you're down and out
In my pocket not one penny -
And my friends, they're meant it

Cause nobody knows you
When you're down and out
When you're down and out
When you're down and out
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