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Frankie Miller - Brickyard blues

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Titre : Brickyard blues

Année : 1974

Auteurs compositeurs : Allen Toussaint

Durée : 3 m 37 s

Label : Chrysallis

Référence : CHS 2049

Présentation : Le disque original n'ayant pas de pochette cartonnée, la photo est celle du disque paru chez Chrysallis (CHS 2184).
Reprise du titre de Sylvester and the Hot Band, "Play something sweet".

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Well, I tried to run my game
She said "Man, that's the same old thing I've heard before"
And I'm too tired to go for your show
(again and again)
And she started to explain
She said "Man, I ain't sayin'
what you're playin' just can't make it
But I can't take it anymore"
Play somethin' sweet, play somethin' mellow
Play somethin' I can sink my teeth in like Jello
Play something I can understand
Play me some Brickyard Blues
Play somethin' sweet and make it funky
Just let me lay back and grin like a monkey
Play something I can understand
Play me some Brickyard Blues
Well, I started to sweat
She said "Don't get upset,
'cause you just might break a string and that won't
do a thing for your show"
So I said to myself
I said, "Self, do you see what is sailin' through my soul?"
And I gotta have some more, don't ya know
Play somethin' sweet, play somethin' mello
Play somethin' I can sink my teeth in like Jello
Play something I can understand
Play me some Brickyard Blues
Play somethin' sweet and make it funky
Just let me lay back and grin like a monkey
Play something I can understand
Play me some Brickyard Blues
It's enough to make it light the dark
It's enough to make a bite just a bark
It's enough to make a body move around
It's enough to make a rabbit hug a dog
Play somethin' sweet
Well, I tried to run my game
She said, "Man, that's the same old thing I've heard before
And I'm too tired to go for your show"
(again and again)
And she started to explain
She said, "Man, I ain't sayin'
what you're playin' just can't make it, but I
just can't take it
any more"
Play somethin' sweet, play somethin' mello
Play somethin' I can sink my teeth in like Jello
Play something I can understand
Play me some Brickyard Blues
Play somethin' sweet and make it funky
Just let me lay back and grin like a monkey
Play something I can understand
Play me some Brickyard Blues
Play somethin' sweet, play somethin' mello
Play somethin' I can sink my teeth in like Jello
Play something I can understand
Play me some Brickyard Blues
Play somethin' sweet and make it funky
Just let me lay back and grin like a monkey
Play something I can understand
Play me some Brickyard Blues
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