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Electric Light Orchestra - Livin' Thing

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Titre : Livin' Thing

Année : 1976

Auteurs compositeurs : Jeff Lynne

Pochette : Kosh

Durée : 3 m 31 s

Label : Jet Records / United Artists Records

Référence : UP 36.184

Présentation : 45 tours extrait de "A New World Record"

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Sailin' away on the crest of a wave
It's like magic
Rollin' and ridin' and slippin' & slidin'
It's magic

And you, and your sweet desire
You took me
Higher and higher, baby, it's a livin' thing
It's a terrible thing to lose
It's a given thing
What a terrible thing to lose

Making believe this is what you've conceived
From your worst day
Moving in line when you look back in time
To your first day

And you, and your sweet desire
You took me
Higher and higher baby It's a livin' thing
It's a terrible thing to lose
It's a given thing
What a terrible thing to lose

Takin' a dive 'cos you can't halt the slide
Floating downstream
So let her go don't start spoiling the show
It's a bad dream

And you, and your sweet desire
You took me
Higher and higher baby It's a livin' thing
It's a terrible thing to lose
It's a given thing
What a terrible thing to lose
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