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"Are you willing to raise our empire of hate and evil
Onto the whole world and to deliver man and every
Living creature onto our hands?"
The three:
"Yes, master!"
"Are you willing to tell man lies about world's past
How he was made and to supress the truth for all times?"
The three:
"Yes, master!"
"Are you willing to deliver your souls onto our hands
To become powerful, famous and rich?"
The three:
"Yes, master!"
"Ho Ho Ho! So it shall be done!"
[The crypts of Hades]
Masked souls and blackest minds, mandrakes of the dark
Pitch and poison in their veins, they wear the evil's mark
Corruption, hate and deepest scorn they teach
"Obey and work!" the holy law they preach
They've sold your soul, your flesh and blood to the whims of evil gods
They've changed the world to hell on earth to save their evil plots
With murder, war and treachery they rule
If you trust in their machinery you're a fool
Masquerade, hiding their black-heart
Masquerade, evil and dark
Masquerade, treason and lies
Masquerade, covers their evil eyes
They rule the world by telling lies
Dripping poison in your ear
Keeping up appearances, revelation is their fear
They control your mind with hate and evil lies
Religion is the devil in disguise
Masquerade, hiding their black-heart
Masquerade, evil and dark
Masquerade, treason and lies
Masquerade, covers their evil eyes
So open up your clouded eyes the conspiracy to see
If you wipe away their evil world
There's a chance of living free
The acient tales tell holy laws: The truth!
So be aware of what they are and they'll lose
Masquerade, hiding their black-heart
Masquerade, evil and dark
Masquerade, treason and lies
Masquerade, covers their evil eyes
Masquerade, hiding their black-heart
Masquerade, evil and dark
Masquerade, treason and lies
Masquerade, covers their evil eyes
Transcripteur : Livret de l'album
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