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I see your teeth flash, Jamaican honey so sweet
Down where Lexington cross 47th Street
She's a big girl, she's standing six foot three
Turning tricks for the dudes in the big city
Island girl
What you wanting with the white man's world
Island girl
Black boy want you in his island world
He want to take you from the racket boss
He want to save you but the cause is lost
Island girl
Island girl
Island girl
Tell me what you wanting with the white man's world
She's black as coal, but she burn like a fire
And she wrap herself around you like a well worn tire
You feel her nail scratch your back just like a rake
He one more gone
He one more John
Who make the mistake
Island girl
What you wanting with the white man's world
Island girl
Black boy want you in his island world
He want to take you from the racket boss
He want to save you but the cause is lost
Island girl
Island girl
Island girl
Tell me what you wanting with the white man's world
Island girl
What you wanting with the white man's world
Island girl
Black boy want you in his island world
He want to take you from the racket boss
He want to save you but the cause is lost
Island girl
Island girl
Island girl
Tell me what you wanting with the white man's world
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Voir tous les commentaires
1 commentaire
morpheeLe 30/07/2024
Pas la plus connue d'Elton, mais "nº1 aux USA" selon la pochette !
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Pas la plus connue d'Elton, mais "nº1 aux USA" selon la pochette !
Il faut être identifié pour ajouter un commentaire !