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So let the Midnight Special shine your light on me
Let the Midnight Special shine your ever-livin' lights on me
Then you get up in the mornin', when the ding-dong ring, Lord
You'll make it to the table, see the same old thing
Ain't nothin' on the table but the forks in the pan, Lordy
You say anything about it you have trouble with the man
Let the Midnight Special shine your light on me
Let the Midnight Special shine your ever-lovin' lights on me
Yonder come a-little Nora, how do you know?
I know by the ap'on and the dress she wear
Umbarella over 'er shoulder, piece of paper in her hand
Lookin' for some sergeant to release her man
You get up in the mornin', when the ding-dong ring
You make it to the table, see the same old thing
If y' say anything about it, you have trouble with the man
Let the Midnight Special shine your light on me
Let the Midnight Special shine your ever-lovin' lights on me
Yonder come a-little Nora, how do you know?
I know by the ap'on and the dress she wear
Umbarella over 'er shoulder, piece of paper in her hand
Lookin' for some sergeant to release her man
Let the Midnight Special shine your light on me
Let the Midnight Special shine your ever-lovin' lights on me
Let the Midnight Special shine your ever-lovin' lights on me
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2 commentaires
Trocol HarumLe 09/10/2022 Dave Cutrell with McGinty's Oklahoma Cow Boy Band
scaracrabeLe 12/11/2023
Pistol Pete est le surnom de l'ancien champion de tennis Pete Sampras. Oui, ça n'a rien à voir mais il fallait que ce soit dit.
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Dave Cutrell with McGinty's Oklahoma Cow Boy Band
Pistol Pete est le surnom de l'ancien champion de tennis Pete Sampras. Oui, ça n'a rien à voir mais il fallait que ce soit dit.
Il faut être identifié pour ajouter un commentaire !