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Suicide blonde, suicide blonde
Suicide blonde, suicide blonde
Suicide blonde was the colour of her hair
Like a cheap distraction
For a new affair
She knew it would finish
Before it began
Something tells me you lost the plan
You want to make her
Suicide Blonde
Love devastation
Suicide Blonde
You want to make her
Suicide Blonde
Love devastation
Suicide Blonde
She stripped to the beat
But her clothes stay on
White light everywhere
But you can't see a thing
Such a squeeze
A mad, sad moment
Glory to you, glory to you, take me there
Got some revelation put into your hands
Save you from your misery
Like rain across the land
Don't you see
The colour of deception
Turning your world around again
You want to make her
Suicide Blonde
Love devastation
Suicide Blonde
You want to make her
Suicide Blonde
Love devastation
Suicide Blonde
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