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Helen Reddy - No sad song

Voir du même artiste

Titre : No sad song

Année : 1972

Auteurs compositeurs : C. King, T. Stern

Durée : 3 m 4 s

Label : Capitol

Référence : 5C 006-81019

Présentation : Adaptée en français par Sheila sous l'intitulé "Plus de chansons tristes".

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Women fell into his arms
He rolled them up just like cigars
Later on he would discard them
On the hardwood floor
Visions of power danced in his head
Let them right, he'd throw women out of his bed
There's still a spot where one of them bled
On the hardwood floor
Sing me no sad song
Sing me no sad song
Sing me no sad song
Sing me no sad song
There is nothing he couldn't have done
But now he's dead and gone
Tried to murder the sun with a handmade gun
But the sun shone on and on
They never made something he couldn't afford
He had it all and still wanted more
They found him dead, stabbed in his bed
With his head on the hardwood floor
Sing me no sad song
Sing me no sad song
Sing me no sad song
Sing me no sad song
Sing me no sad song
Sing me no sad song
Sing me no sad song
Sing me no sad song
Sing me no sad song
Sing me no sad song
Sing me no sad song
Sing me no sad song
Sing me no sad song
Sing me no sad song
Sing me no sad song
Sing me no sad song
Sing me no sad song
Sing me no sad song
Sing me no sad song
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1 commentaire
Trocol Harum Le 30/09/2020
Helen Reddy a aussi interprété la version française Plus de chansons tristes.

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