Last night as I got home, about a half past ten
There was the woman I thought I knew, in the arms of another man
I kept my cool, I ain't no fool, let me tell you what happened then
I packed some clothes and I walked out, and I ain't going back again
So take a letter Maria, address it to my wife
Say I won't be coming home, gonna start a new life
So take a letter Maria, address it to my wife
Send a copy to my lawyer, gotta start a new life
You've been many things but most of all a good secretary to me
And it's times like this I feel you've always been close to me
Was I wrong to work nights to try to build a good life
All work and no play has just cost me a wife
So take a letter Maria, address it to my wife
Say I won't be coming home, gonna start a new…
So take a letter Maria, address it to my wife
Say I won't be coming home, gonna start a new life
So take a letter Maria, address it to my wife
Send a copy to my lawyer, gotta start a new life
When a man loves a woman it's hard to understand
That she would find more pleasure in the arms of another man
I never really noticed how sweet you are to me
It just so happens I'm free tonight, would you like to have dinner with me
So take a letter Maria, address it to my wife
Send a copy to my lawyer, gotta start a new life
La chanson "Take a letter Maria" a été créée par R.B. Greave et adaptée en français par Johnny Farago sous le titre "Prends cette lettre Maria" alors qu'Eddy Mitchell a chanté "Envoie la lettre Maria".
En allemand, "Und morgen schreib' ich Maria" est chanté par Jack White alors qu'en espagnol, les Mexicains d'El Klan interprètent "Una carta a Maria".
Parmi les reprises, notons celle d'Anthony Amstrong Jones, celle de Mel Tormé, celle de Roly Daniels ou celle, originale, de Derrick Morgan & Owen Gray.
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