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Fiche disque de ...

Wing - Santa Claus on a helicopter

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Santa Claus on a helicopter

Année : 2010

Auteurs compositeurs : Rappy McRapperson-Wing

Durée : 2 m 11 s

Label : Wing

Référence : 738027 (Carols, Rap and Sing: A Beautiful Christma

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It's Wing. This is a beautiful song about Santa Claus on a helicopter. Not a traditional sliegh cart.

Santa Claaauuuss
On a helicopteeer
Santa Claaauuuss
On a helicopteeer

Santa Claus. He visits us today
December 24 th
Wow ! He's coming right now in a helicopter
Not a traditional sliegh cart
He lands in the front yard of a nursury
All the babies crying for moms
He feeds them well if they are hungry
Then he returns to the helicopter
And makes a big landing in the city

Santa dance
Santa Claus dance
Santa Claus dance

Follow Santa, he's playing a flute
Follow Santa, take the secret route
To the church to please the Lord
All the children follow Santa down the road
All the sons and daughters
But if you are sick and you can't walk ?
Santa takes you on a helicopter !

Santa Claaauuuss
On a helicopteeer
Santa Claaauuuss
On a helicopteeer

Transcripteur : Dam-Dam
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Voir tous les commentaires

3 commentaires (dont 1 archivé)
SirApe Le 09/10/2019
Quelle belle pochette !
Dam-Dam Le 13/10/2019
The lyrics of this original song : [Merci]
Philippeoc Le 05/12/2021
Ça nous met dans l'esprit des fêtes! Merci la vie!

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