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Ooh, there's no bread, let them eat cake
There's no end to what they'll take
Flaunt the fruits of noble birth
Wash the salt into the earth
But they're marching to Bastille Day
La guillotine will claim her bloody prize
Free the dungeons of the innocent
The king will kneel, and let his kingdom rise
Ooh, bloodstained velvet, dirty lace
Naked fear on every face
See them bow their heads to die
As we would bow as they rode by
And we're marching to Bastille Day
La guillotine will claim her bloody prize
Sing, o choirs of cacophony
The king has kneeled, to let his kingdom rise
Lessons taught, but never learned
All around us, anger burns
Guide the future by the past
Long ago, the mould was cast
For they marched up to Bastille Day
La guillotine claimed her bloody prize
Hear the echoes of the centuries
Power isn't all that money buys, whoa
Transcripteur : Trocol Harum
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
La voix du chanteur rappelle celle d'Axl Rose je trouve. Même la musique n'est pas sans évoquer les Guns
Oui, enfin, sauf que les guns, c'était 10 ans plus tard.
Rush, c'est quand meme pas aussi braillard que G'N'R…
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