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The Beatles - Christmas time (is here again)

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Christmas time (is here again)

Année : 1995

Auteurs compositeurs : Paul McCartney - John Lennon - George Harrison - Ringo Starr

Pochette : John Lennon

Durée : 3 m 3 s

Label : Apple Records

Référence : 7243 8 82587 7 7

Présentation : Chanson enresgistrée fin 1967 par les Fab Four pour leur "Christmas Fan Club" et finalement produite et commercialisée en décembre 1995 en second titre du single "Free as a bird" dans une version moitié plus courte que l'originale.

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It's a bouncy remix
Take 444

Christmas time is here again
Christmas time is here again
Christmas time is here again
Christmas time is here again

Ain't been round since you know when
Christmas time is here again
O-U-T spells "out"

Christmas time is here again
Christmas time is here again
Christmas time is here again
Christmas time is here again

Ain't been round since you know when
Christmas time is here again
O-U-T spells "out"

Christmas time is here again
Christmas time is here again
Christmas time is here again
Christmas time is here again

Ain't been round since you know when
Christmas time is here again
O-U-T spells "out"

This is Paul McCartney here. I'd just like to wish you everything you'd wish yourselves for Christmas
This is John Lennon saying, on behalf of the Beatles, have a very happy Christmas and a good New Year
George Harrison speaking. I'd like to take this opportunity of wishing you a very Merry Christmas, listeners everywhere
This is Ringo Starr and I'd just like to say Merry Christmas and a really happy New Year to all listeners

And Christmas time is all
And your bonnie clay us through
Happy breastling to you people
All our best from me to you
When the beasty brangom
To the heather and little inn
And be strattened oot in ma tether
To yer arms once back again
Och away, ye bonnie

Transcripteur : mds75
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1 commentaire
morphee Le 12/12/2018
Ringo Starr la reprend en solo dans son album de Noël "I wanna be Santa Claus" sorti en 1999.

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