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KarimShaathLe 20/03/2022
Greetings Dear All, This is “Karim†from The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (I'm half Saudi and half Viennese), I share with you that I am Happy to see/hear my 1984 Vienna Production on “bide-et-musiqueâ€, ( Summer sur la Cote D'Azur ). Notice that “Sequential Lover†is not featured. I stepped out of the scene towards the end of the 80s at my own desire, and am now contemplating to reenter with all the new Technology and Methodology which comes with it. As you perhaps know; Saudi Arabia is currently going through a Cultural Revolution and what was looked upon negatively in the past is suddenly allowed, Just Google “MiddleBeast†per example. Wishing you all the Best, and May we all live in PEACE. Bless You & Stay Safe
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Les paroles (je ne parle pas italien et le chanteur non plus) :
1983, direct. Oh puis non, 1985-6, par-là . 'fin, j'en sais rien (par contre ça, j'en suis sûr)
Chanson dîte "alimentaire", car, d'une part il chante en yaourt, effectivement (sponsorisé par Danone) et, d'autre-part, il me semble bien qu'à un moment, justement, quand il chante en yaourt, il énumère des noms de pizzas…
Chanson sortie en 1984
Et la pochette :
Chanté en 2021 par Julien Doré, certains crieraient au génie…
Greetings Dear All, This is “Karim†from The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (I'm half Saudi and half Viennese), I share with you that I am Happy to see/hear my 1984 Vienna Production on “bide-et-musiqueâ€, ( Summer sur la Cote D'Azur ). Notice that “Sequential Lover†is not featured. I stepped out of the scene towards the end of the 80s at my own desire, and am now contemplating to reenter with all the new Technology and Methodology which comes with it. As you perhaps know; Saudi Arabia is currently going through a Cultural Revolution and what was looked upon negatively in the past is suddenly allowed, Just Google “MiddleBeast†per example. Wishing you all the Best, and May we all live in PEACE. Bless You & Stay Safe
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