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Every night I see a beautiful lady.
She's stepping into my dreams
'cause she knows I'm here.
Taking me by the hand and whispering softly.
She will take me so far away and treat me so fine.
You know I need her so
I can't believe this feeling known as love.
I can see right now
she's gonna take me for a ride and be so good to me.
You're my sweet desire
burning like a fire
Gonna make you higher - step by step.
What a sweet desire
burning like a fire
Pull me like a wire - step by step.
Any time
any time
come on
Every night
every night
stay with me!
Any time
any time
come on
Every night
every time
stay with me!
When the morning begins to break and she's not beside me
I'd rather go back to sleep where I'll find her again.
you know I need her so
I really wonder if you call this love.
I can see right now
she's gonna make a dream become a real life fantasy.
you're my sweet desire
burning like a fire
you're my sweet desire.
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh- gonna take you higher - step by step.
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh- what a sweet desire - step by step.
(ad lib.)
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
step by step!
[merci pour les paroles]
Reprise de Coxo
Pas du tout JFPavo, c'est une chanson complètement différent (et le nom du groupe s’écrit Koxo). Pareil pour la chanson du même titre de Off!
En effet, autant pour moi.
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