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When she was dancing
I didn't know where she was from
She was so shy and so strange
She looks so lost and alone
I said "Hey hey hey"
Why do you look at the night ?
She said "I just can't tell you sorry
But my mind is so far"
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What about 'bout you woman ?
Follow me
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What about 'bout you woman ?
What about me ?
I really needed someone
You said "God help us today"
She wasn't too pretty but
It was a question of hunger
I said "Look look look"
We could be happy someday
She said "I just can't tell you sorry
But my mind is away"
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What about 'bout you woman ?
Follow me
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What about 'bout you woman ?
What about me ?
When she was dancing
I didn't know where she was from
She was so shy and so strange
She looks so lost and alone
I said "Hey hey hey"
Why do you look at the night ?
She said "I just can't tell you sorry
But my mind is so far
Follow me
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What about 'bout you woman ?
Follow me
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What about 'bout you woman ?
What about me ?
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3 commentaires
fperotLe 08/10/2012
Un titre de Jean-Jacques Goldman qui entre dans la base la semaine de son anniversaire ? Coïncidence ou bien y-a-t'il des joueurs chez les admins ? (à mon avis, les 2)
Un titre de Jean-Jacques Goldman qui entre dans la base la semaine de son anniversaire ? Coïncidence ou bien y-a-t'il des joueurs chez les admins ? (à mon avis, les 2)
Auteur/Compositeur : JJG
Année : 1977
Les paroles :
When she was dancing
I didn't know where she was from
She was so shy and so strange
She looks so lost and alone
I said "Hey hey hey"
Why do you look at the night ?
She said "I just can't tell you sorry
But my mind is so far"
Follow me
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What about 'bout you woman ?
Follow me
Feel me
What about 'bout you woman ?
What about me ?
I really needed someone
You said "God help us today"
She wasn't too pretty but
It was a question of hunger
I said "Look look look"
We could be happy someday
She said "I just can't tell you sorry
But my mind is away"
Follow me
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What about 'bout you woman ?
Follow me
Feel me
What about 'bout you woman ?
What about me ?
When she was dancing
I didn't know where she was from
She was so shy and so strange
She looks so lost and alone
I said "Hey hey hey"
Why do you look at the night ?
She said "I just can't tell you sorry
But my mind is so far
Follow me
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What about 'bout you woman ?
Follow me
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What about 'bout you woman ?
What about me ?
Quelqu'un osera t-il dire un jour qu'il chante effroyablement faux? Ah, ben c'est fait :-)
Comment ça ? il chante faux ?? tu es professeur de chant à tout hasard ???
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