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Little Joe - Splish Splash

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Titre : Splish Splash

Année : 1983

Auteurs compositeurs : D. Barin

Pochette : X

Durée : 3 m 24 s

Label : Barclay

Référence : 100.302

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Splish Splash
I was taking a bath
Long about a Saturday night
Scrub dub
Just relaxing in the tub
Thinking everything was all right

Well, I stepped out the tub
Put my feet on the floor
I wrapped the towel around me
And I opened the door
And then a
Splish Splash
I jumped back in the bath
Well, how was I to know
There was a party going on

They were a-splishing and a-splashing
A moving and a-grooving
A rocking and a-rolling
Reeling with the feeling
Oh moving and a-grooving
Reeling with the feeling
Splish Splash

Bim Bam
I saw the whole gang
Dancing on my living room rug
Flip Flop
They were doing the Bop
All the teens had the dancing bug

There was
Maybelline with Peggy Sue
Good golly, Miss Molly was a-even there, too
A well a
Splish Splash
I forgot about the bath
I went and put my dancing shoes on Yeah

I was a-splishing and a-splashing
A moving and a-grooving
A rocking and a-rolling
Reeling with the feeling
Oh moving and a-grooving
Reeling with the feeling
Splish Splash

Bim Bam
I saw the whole gang
Dancing on my living room rug
Flip Flop
They were doing the Bop
All the teens had the dancing bug

There was
Maybelline with Peggy Sue
Good golly, Miss Molly was a-even there, too
A well a
Splish Splash
I forgot about the bath
I went and put my dancing shoes on Yeah

I was a-splishing and a-splashing
A moving and a-grooving
A rocking and a-rolling
Reeling with the feeling
Oh moving and a-grooving
Reeling with the feeling
Splish Splash

Splish Splash

Splish Splash

Splish Splash

Transcripteur : mds75
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1 commentaire
Trocol Harum Le 11/02/2012
La version originale de "Splish splash" est celle de Bobby Darin.
La version française a été chantée par César et les Romains, par les Karting Brothers (autre nom des Quatre de Paris) et par Jacques Desrosiers.
En allemand, Frank Zander a chanté "Splish Splash Badewannenparty", alors que Werner Haas interprétait" Plitsch Platsch".
En danois, Rock Nalle & the Flames ont chanté "Plask plask", alors qu'en finnois Urpo interprétait "Ping pong" et que "Lits läts" était interprété par Solistiyhtye Suomi.
En portugais, Roberto Carlos a chanté "Splish splash" tout comme Sandy e Junior
Parmi les reprises, outre celle de Little Joe qui figure dans la base de B&M, notons celle de Charlie Drake, celle de Chubby Checker, celle de Conway Twitty, celle de Michael Holm, celle de Sha Na Na, celle de Rita Pavone, celle de Baby Gate & the Solitaires (qui deviendra la chanteuse Mina), celle d'Elmo ou celle, plus surprenante de Barbra Streisand.

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