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Mel & Kim - That's the way it is

Voir du même artiste

Titre : That's the way it is

Année : 1988

Auteurs compositeurs : Stock - Aitken - Waterman

Pochette : Mike Prior - Caroline Kirwan

Durée : 3 m 19 s

Label : Polydor

Référence : 887 338-7

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(Keep looking after number one)
He broke your heart, we heard the news
And now you don't know what you're gonna do
He made you cry and now he's gone
So we hear you say can't carry on

And now your heart's get you running for cover
And we believe you can't trust another
That's how it is when the feeling's gone
Take our advice, keep looking after number one.

That's the way it is (Keep looking after number one)
That's just the way it is (Keep looking after number one)
Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, love (Keep looking after number one)
Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, love (Keep looking after number one), yeah
That's the way it is (Keep looking after number one)
That's the way it is (Keep looking after number one)

You may be down but you're not out
You may get real hurt, that's what it's all about
You hear the news, broken hearts every day
But still you don't believe it can happen anyway

And you can't see that if you change your lover
We still believe you can't trust another
That's how it is when the feeling's gone
Take our advice, keep looking after number one.


That's how it is
Keep looking after number one

And now your heart's get you running for cover
And we believe you can't trust another
That's how it is when the feeling's gone
Take our advice, keep looking after number one

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1 commentaire (dont 1 archivé)
jihemji Le 27/10/2007
Voici les paroles: [Merci !]

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