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From who ? Just say from …
From the one who loves you baby.
I see you baby
Every single day
Holding on to my best friend
But you don't see me
So I make the same request now
Every single night
Going out from me to you
On the dedication line
I wonder if you're listening
To the words that keep me wishing
That one day I'll be kissing you
Wo wo wo
Radio radio romance
Radio radio romance
Radio radio romance
Radio romance
My secret admiration
I won't reveal
I would'nt want to hurt no one
By tellin' how I feel
The DJ knows my voice now
He even knows my choice now
He never says my name
He just says "From the one
Who loves you baby"
One night you'll hear a song
And then you'll know just who it's from.
(rap) I see you baby, every single day
Holding on to my best friend
But you don't see me
I wonder if you're listening
To the words that keep me wishing
That one day I'll be kissing you
Wo wo wo
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
Voici les paroles: [Merci !]
Bonne petite voix limite Kim Carnes.
Un peu trop calibré cependant sur tous les satandards de l'époque pour faire des vagues.
Haaaa, c'était boooon. Je redécouvre ça avec plaisir. Je suis en train de regarder la video sur youtube. Si vous voulez en profiter, c'est ici : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYFzQ3a7O_k&feature…
Ce titre fut plutôt bien classé au Top 50 si mes souvenirs sont bons.
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