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Voyagers - Distant Planet

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Distant Planet

Année : 1984

Auteurs compositeurs : Barbara Addoms / Nicola Nicolosi / Dora Carofiglio

Durée : 5 m 40 s

Label : Discomagic

Référence : MIX 198

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From a distant planet
Someone is talking
New sensations, feelings
Looking for dreams
I can remind you
I can remember
I can live daydream
There's my place

From a distant space
A star is coming
New procession calling
Trying to kill me
I can't remind you
I can't remember
I can't remain here
On your dream

Man you see I fly tonight
You can really meet sunrise
If you get the friend today
You can really flap your hands
I began to know you now
When your eyes are watching me
You don't have to lose yourself
That's a new world coming now

From a distant space
A star is coming
New procession calling
Trying to kill me
I can't remind you
I can't remember
I can't remain here
On your dream

Man you see I fly tonight
You can really meet sunrise
If you get the friend today
You can really flap your hands
I began to know you now
When your eyes are watching me
You don't have to lose yourself
That's a new world coming now

I began to know you now
When your eyes are watching me
You don't have to lose yourself
That's a new world coming now

Transcripteur : hre mgbye
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Voir tous les commentaires

2 commentaires (dont 1 archivé)
hre mgbye Le 11/06/2008
[Merci pour les paroles !]
hug Le 13/02/2010
Le label étant Discomagic, la chanson devrait s'appeler Gamm Records !

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