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And when they told me what our love should be
You did become but you still wanted to be free
So I bit my teeth and went, but my heart is cold
'Cause I don't believe it and I won't be told
Passionate love on the kitchen floor
You showed me your shame and I showed you the door
Past and television is my hopes and ambitions
Making decisions and more ammunition
This is 80's romance
Text books in our pockets
Turn on our faces
This is 80's romance
Some money and our lives in our hands
Where's the sweetness and where's the charm
I think super thoughts, tattooed on your arm
And when there's more, more to my live
Than sit at home being somebody's wife
You always come but you never stay
I haven't seen your face by day
Fingers twisting in the dark
Could it be we've got it straight from the start ?
You always come but you never stay
I haven't seen your face by day
Fingers twisting in the dark
Could it be we've got it straight from the start ?
refrain ad lib
Transcripteur : hre mgbye
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