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Présentation : Extrait de Humanity - Hour I, le seizième opus des teutons produit par Desmond Child. Il permet au groupe de refaire surface après un petit passage à vide de plus de 10 ans.
L'album a été réalisé sous la forme d'un album concept dont le thème principal est l'humanité et son avenir. Des musiciens "invités" tels que Billy Corgan des Smashing Pumpkins ou Eric Bazilian apparaissent sur certaines des chansons.
Auf wiedersehen
It's time to say goodbye
The party's over
As the laughter dies
An angel cries
It's au revoir to your insanity
You sold your soul to feed your vanity
Your fantasies and lies
You're a drop in the rain
Just a number not a name
And you don't see it
You don't believe it
At the end of the day
You're a needle in the hay
You signed and sealed it
And now you gotta deal with it
Be on your way
Adios amigo there's a price to pay
For all the egotistic games you played
The world you made
Is gone
You're a drop in the rain
Just a number not a name
And you don't see it
You don't believe it
At the end of the day
You're a needle in the hay
You signed and sealed it
And now you gotta deal with it
Run and hide there's fire in the sky
Stay inside
The water's gonna rise and pull you under
In your eyes I'm staring at the end of time
Nothing can change us
No one can save us from ourselves
You're a drop in the rain
Just a number not a name
And you don't see it
You don't believe it
At the end of the day
You're a needle in the hay
You signed and sealed it
Now you gotta deal with it
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