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When you're inside a voting booth, do you get real depressed?
You can't decide which candidate is better than the rest.
You'd settle for the lesser of two evils, but you're stuck!
So nowadays you'd settle for one that doesn't suck.
The one that doesn't suck so bad!
That's who I'm voting for
The one that doesn't suck so bad!
Nowadays, who can ask for more?
Let your country hear your voice –
hold your nose and make your choice
For The one that doesn't suck so bad!
(Because it's the American way!)
They raise a ton of money through those special-interest PACs
Then spend it on commercials filled of personal attacks!
Washington and Lincoln were the kind we used to hail -
Hey I'll take one who hasn't been indicted or in jail!
It's the one that doesn't suck so bad!
That's who I'm voting for,
The one that doesn't suck so bad!
Nowadays, who can ask for more?
I've seen every candidate
I'll be candid – no one's great
But it's the one that doesn't suck so bad!
That's who I'm voting for!
The one that doesn't suck so bad
That's who I'm voting for!
The one that doesn't suck so bad
Never mind rotten to the core.
Pull the lever, let's begin – may the least offensive win!
The one that doesn't suck so bad
That's who I'm voting for!
(Spoken) So get out there and vote!
- Unless you're busy.
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