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Serge Gainsbourg - Bonnie and Clyde (version anglaise)

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Titre : Bonnie and Clyde (version anglaise)

Année : 1968

Auteurs compositeurs : Serge Gainsbourg

Durée : 3 m 39 s

Label : Fontana

Référence : 261.623 MF

Présentation : Reprise de la version par Serge Gainsbourg et Brigitte Bardot.

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You've heard the story of Jesse James
Of how he lived and died?
If you're still in need of something to read
Here's the story of Bonnie and Clyde

[Verse 1]
Now Bonnie and Clyde are the Barrow gang
I'm sure you all have read how they were and still
And those who still
Are usually found dying or dead

[Verse 2]
They call them cold-hearted killers
They say they are heartless and mean
But I say this with pride
That I once knew Clyde when he was honest
And upright and clean

[Verse 3]
But the laws fooled around
Kept taking him down and locking him up in a cell
'Til he said to me, "I'll never be free"
So I'll meet a few of them in hell

[Verse 4]
If a policeman is killed in Dallas
And they have no clue or guide
If they can't think or find
They just wipe their slate clean
And hang it on Bonnie and Clyde
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[Verse 5]
If they try to act like citizens
And rent them a nice little flat
About the third night
They're invited to fight by a
Sub gun's rat-a-tat

[Verse 6]
Some day they'll go down together
They'll bury them side by side
To few, it will be grief, to the law a relief
But it's death for Bonnie and Clyde
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