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Even since I was a young boy
I loved to shoot the ball
From Detroit down to Houston
I've battled one and all
But there's a kid I'll never beat
I don't know what he's called
This big dumb redneck dude
Sure plays a mean paintball
I don't care how much I practice
He can beat my best
He wears these homemade goggles
And protective vest
He must live in the country
He's always saying Y'all
That big dumb redneck kid
Sure plays a mean paintball
He's a pinball wizard
There has to be a trick
A pinball wizard
He's one sharpshooting hick
How do you think he does it ?
I don't know
He must practice a lot
The stinging of a paintball
He has never felt
But if you play againt him
He'll covers you with welts
He's got crazy trigger fingers
And spotless overalls
That big dumb redneck kid
Sure plays a mean paintball
He's a pinball wizard
There has to be a twist
A pinball wizard
Wears wristbands on his wrists
Transcripteur : Dam-Dam
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
The lyrics : [Thanks!]
Au début, c'est plutôt "Ever since"
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