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As I lie here
Thinking of you
I realize that nothing is new
Lying in my bed
Thinking of you
I realize
Nothing is new
You say you love me
But want some sex
I say you're lying
Nothing has changed
This is a sign of the times
Piece of more to come
This is a sign of the times
Time to be alone (bis)
We're strong in bed
You're weak in love
You give me nothing
More than a shove
I walk alone now
Thinking of you
I realize now
Nothing is new
Why do we go on with this useless love-affair?
But it seems to me that you don't really care
I realize now
Nothing is new
Time to walk my life
Without you
I sit alone now
Wondering about you
I'm living my life
What do you do ?
You say you want me
But need success
I want your love boy,
want nothing less
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