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David Hasselhoff - Jump in my Car

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Jump in my Car

Année : 2006

Auteurs compositeurs : Ted Mulry

Pochette : Brian Crouch / Bill Green (photographie)

Durée : 3 m

Label : Sony BMG Music Entertainment

Référence : 82876 79012 2

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Jump in my car
I wanna take you home
Jump in my car
It's too far walk on your own
Ah come on I'm a trustworthy guy
(No thank-you sir)
Oh little girl I wouldn't tell you no lies
(I know your game)
How can you say that we only just met
(You're all the same)
Ooh she's got me there, but I'll get her yet
(I got you there)
No you didn't I was catching my breath, and look it's starting to rain and baby you'll catch your death
(Well I dunno)
Ah come it comes nothing to try and you'll arrive home nice and dry
Jump in my car
I wanna take you home
Jump in my car
It's too far walk on your own
Jump in my car
I wanna take you home
Jump in my car
It's too far walk on your own
Ah that's better now your talking sense
(But you best keep still)
Well if you like I'll just put up a fence
(No need to get smart)
Well alright we'll soon be on our way
(Well we better start)
What for?
(Because it's such a long way)
Well why where'd you live?
(I live down South, It's roughly 85 miles)
Hey slow down you must be joking there behind that cute smile
(Oh no I'm not)
Well if you're not there's only one thing to say
(And what's that?)
Get outta the car get on your way!
Get outta my car
(But you just said that you'd take me home)
Well it's just too far
(But there's no way I can get there alone)
I couldn't care less
(Well maybe I could see you next week)
But you look a mess
(Well look who's talking you've got no right to speak)
Get outta my car
(You told me that you were a really nice guy)
Oh well I ain't
Well, yeah get outta my car
Get out, get out of my car
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1 commentaire
morphee Le 30/06/2022
Le clip, volontairement ringard ( du moins on l'espère) avec ses petites références à K2000…

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