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Keep a knockin', but you can't come in.
Keep a knockin', but you can't come in.
Keep a knockin', but you can't come in,
Come back tomorrow night and try again.
You said you love me, but you can't come in.
You said you love me, but you can't come in.
You said you love me, but you can't come in,
Come back tomorrow night and try again.
Keep a knockin', but you can't come in.
Keep a knockin', but you can't come in.
Keep a knockin', but you can't come in,
Come back tomorrow night and try again.
Keep a knockin', but you can't come in.
Keep a knockin', but you can't come in.
Keep a knockin', but you can't come in,
Come back tomorrow night and try again.
You said you love me, but you can't come in.
You said you love me, but you can't come in.
You said you love me, but you can't come in,
Come back tomorrow night and try again.
Keep a knockin', but you can't come in.
Keep a knockin', but you can't come in.
Keep a knockin', but you can't come in,
Come back tomorrow night and try again.
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
Voir tous les commentaires
1 commentaire
FauvelusLe 21/03/2022 à 00:57
Bien que la pochette de cet enregistrement crédite le morceau à Richard Penniman (alias Little Richard), la chanson date en réalité des années 1920, et est attribuée sans certitude aux pionniers du blues Perry Bradford (1893-1970) et J. Mayo Williams (1894-1980).
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Bien que la pochette de cet enregistrement crédite le morceau à Richard Penniman (alias Little Richard), la chanson date en réalité des années 1920, et est attribuée sans certitude aux pionniers du blues Perry Bradford (1893-1970) et J. Mayo Williams (1894-1980).
Il faut être identifié pour ajouter un commentaire !